Saturday Fun Day

This post is a week late. >.< The whole family woke up a bit early for a Saturday. I prepared a hearty breakfast. I enjoyed cooking even if I am not an expert at it. It's mostly fried rice and fried other food for breakfast. Haha! I feel like a chef with this already. :D After breakfast, I washed the foam of our sofa. My husband warned beforehand, that it might rain, and if the foam doesn't dry up at once, it will smell. I did not heed his advice. It was still sunny that morning. And the kids were enjoying cleaning their bike. So I did not let him stop me. It rained that afternoon! Nakakaloka. Whole weekend ko pinatutuyo yung foam, hindi natuyo. It smelled na rin. I think I'll have to wash it again this weekend. Hopefully, maaraw. :D After I was done with the chores, we got ready to go to SM Trece Martires for the Famous Belgian Waffles store opening which is owned by my officemates. You should try the waffles, guys. they are so good. May savory waff...