The King(bee) and I
Hi Everyone, I turned 33 last March something (people close to me would know the date :P). I thought I was just turning 32! And then I realized, it was already 2015, and doing the math (although I hate math), I should really be 33. Why???! How???! I must be insane in the membrane. Anyway, let's not dwell into that. [Pause...] Why???! How???! We decided early morning, that we will not celebrate anymore because we bought a brand new t.v. the day before and our pockets were almost empty. Our CRT t.v. was already dying, and it was a step we had to take. O.O (Pat on the back there for finally owning a t.v. beyond the caveman age.) Daddy had a struck of conscience though of us not celebrating my 33rd (why? how?) birthday. So we decided to have dinner at King-bee, Manggahan. And since it was my birthday, I got to order the dishes I really want (ergo no pure vegetable dish). Haha! Waiting for her favorite Chicharap (yeah, the name's from Chowking;...