Monday Musings

Hi Everyone, It has been a loooooooooooooong time since my last post. I have been remiss with my blogging duties. Life is back on track now after giving birth to Baby Jacob. The whole family had already adjusted and I think my hormones are not flaring up anymore. You see, after giving birth, there are nights that I would cry. It made me feel guilty because I was supposed to be happy with the new baby, right? I think I was overwhelmed with all the changes and adjustments going on. I missed sleeping with and taking care of my daughter. I was very hands-on with the little one that I was not able to pay much attention to Sofia. I missed my husband because we were not able to do our night walks to the nearby convenience store or even talk. I went back to work mid-April, and had been very busy since then. My coping mechanism is a bit lousy, but with the support of my husband, I was able to pull through. Now, the new challenge is Sofia going back to school. She is now in...